All of our items are shipped with Canada Post and USPS. All shipments include a tracking number.
WORLDWIDE SHIPPING. We always do our best to ship as quickly as possible, usually 1 to 3 business days after your order.
Please take note that international shipping may be charged and duties may be applied by the customer’s country. We cannot predict what these fees will amount to and cannot pay for them. It falls under the customer’s responsibility to pay for these.
Every international shipment is identified with the real nature of the item shipped. This allows you to be refunded by the post if your item is lost. Identifying a shipment as a gift is illegal.
We do not make profit on shipping fees. The fees charged to you cover the shipping itself and the packaging cost.
We try to use as little material as possible for shipping. We’ve always cared about the fact that packaging is often the first thing you throw away. Therefore, you’ll find that when you receive a Désirables product, everything is made of cardboard so you can recycle every piece of the packaging.
For obvious hygienic reasons we won’t accept any returns or exchanges.
In case you're not satisfied with your purchase, contact us at info@desirables.ca in order for us to see how we can be of help.
Our main objective is your satisfaction so we will be with you every step of the way, even after your purchase. To get a refund or a credit, the product has to have a defect that makes it unusable (in other words, it has slits, cracks, is damaged, chipped or broken in any way).
We offer a 5 years warranty on all of our porcelain products. Make sure to check out our Oops Warranty page, for more information!